Saturday, September 15, 2007

Exploring Krakow

Town Hall Tower

Rynek Glowny - Krakow's main market square

St. Mary's Church
We have spent much of the last few days just wandering around Krakow, finding the fruit and vegetable market, the English bookstore, grocery stores, the train station, recommended restaurants, etc. It's so much fun turning down each new street to discover fantastic old buildings that have been renovated (Krakow wasn't bombed during WWII, so the architecture is amazing) and imagining the potential of the many buildings still to be fixed up. (I don't know how the Krakow women walk in the spiky high-heeled boots they seem to prefer, with the cobblestone or unevenly-paved block sidewalks. Think I'll stick with my practical walking shoes.)

Various buildings on the Rynek....

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