Sunday, September 16, 2007

Last Day in Krakow for 2 Weeks

That's right...we just got here and now we're leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks in Warsaw and Wroclaw: We're taking the train to Warsaw Monday morning (a 2:45 ride) and will have a day and a half there before my Fulbright orientation begins. We'll be at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw on Wednesday, with a reception at the Ambassador's house in the afternoon. Then board a bus early Thursday morning for Wroclaw, where we'll have 10 days of orientation (Polish culture, history, language, etc.)

So we spent the day in a combination of packing and doing more walking and exploring. I love this city! Every time we go out, we see new things, even when walking along the same streets. Some of the buildings are just amazing. And the weather has really been nice - hope it holds out for the next few weeks. Yesterday we finally found the outdoor fruit and vegetable market, after taking a roundabout way to get to something that is actually fairly close. Bought a beautiful quart+ of raspberries (for a little less than $3). Then came back to our apartment and found a lady selling raspberries right in front of our tram stop! They are delicious!

We talked to both kids for a few minutes through Skype today. Alison was on her way to get something to eat and Nick was busy with homework, so the conversations were brief, but it was great to hear their voices. We also booked their tickets to come visit us over Christmas break, so we're really looking forward to that.

I have to say I've been using my iPod more since I've been here than I have the whole time since John got it for me. We put it on the speakers and play music every evening (since the TV in our apartment is only in Polish). We watch the news from the previous evening on the computer through the internet each morning (NBC seems to do the best job of making their evening news easily accessible). Technology makes a trip like this so much easier to be away!

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