Monday, July 23, 2007

Poland Addresses

Here's how you can contact us while in Poland:

Vicki R. TenHaken
Republic of Poland Fulbright Scholar
Cracow University of Economics

ul. Rakowicka 27
31-510 Krakow, Poland
Pavilion E, room 173

Office telephone: + 48 12 2935 516
Office fax: + 48 12 2935

Our "home" address in Poland is:

Vicki TenHaken and John Meshkin
Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
ul. Sienkiewicza 4
30-033 Kraków, Poland
Apartament nr 1

Telephone: + 48 12 2945 353 and 354, 356, 357 (This will ring you into the building receptionist. Our apartment extension is 34). We also have Sykpe on my laptop computer, so that may be the most economical way of "calling" us. Just "dial" vicki.r.tenhaken (it might be best to arrange a calling time ahead via email to make sure I have my computer on and Skype activated).

We expect to have regular access to our home email as well, so feel free to continue using and .